We are celebrating world Random Acts of Kindness day on Thursday 17 February 2022 therefore Dube & Pottas Inc’ monthly theme is KINDNESS. We would like to share a few Random Acts of Kindness with you to implement in your daily life in order to make the world a better place and to try and make KINDNESS your new norm!
“How do we change the world? One random act of kindness at a time” Morgan Freeman
Before we start, first things first… BE KIND TO YOURSELF! There are so many expectations from the world we live in and we would really want to encourage each one of you to first be kind to yourself…take one day and one step at a time. Focus on what you gained, not on what you have lost. Easier said than done, but we can at least try!
Here we go!
A few ideas as shared on the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation website https://www.randomactsofkindness.org/kindness-ideas
- Have a judgement free day: Don’t try to make yourself feel better by putting someone else down.
- Complain less: Being positive in a negative situation makes you a leader.
- Laugh often: Start telling jokes, watching cat videos on YouTube, or whatever makes you laugh!
- Thank someone every week: Write 52 thank you notes each year, one every week to a different person.
- Compliment a parent on how well behaved their child is: Parenthood can be overwhelming, and sometimes the kind words of a stranger is all it takes to turn a mother or father’s day around.
- Pick up trash: Garbage isn’t meant for the streets, do your part for your city and community by picking up pieces of trash every now and again.
- Try something new: Open your heart and mind to the world.
- Wheel out your Neighbours Trash bin: Help out your neighbours when they forget trash day
- Drink more water: When you’re healthy and energetic, it is much easier to be kind.
Try to do one kind act once a day, and you will definitely feel the difference in your own life!
“Kind people are the best kind of people!” – Unknown
Get inspired – for more Kindness Quotes read more at: https://www.randomactsofkindness.org/kindness-quotes
Spread Kindness!